Before beginning my work with Robyn, I was experiencing pretty significant burnout and self-doubt. I couldn’t think of any goals to inspire me, and for a goal-oriented person like myself, that was disconcerting and disorienting. Professionally, work that previously had given me joy and satisfaction left me exhausted. Spiritually, there was a void. Thank goodness for family and friends.
Through Robyn’s perceptive guidance and encouragement and positively challenging exercises, I realized my life was out of balance. I had lost sight of my priorities. By priorities I do not mean my “to do” list, but a short list of my non-negotiables for living a more fulfilled life. Robyn’s coaching helped me identify what mattered to me most. The challenging mental work allowed me to pinpoint strengths and acknowledge weaknesses, and guided me to a realization that I was spending a lot of time doing things I did not particularly enjoy. Prayerful meditation helped me develop a sense of calm, even in the midst of uncertainty. I was helped in discovering skills and tools I already had to make positive changes, some easy, others more difficult and requiring more planning and effort on my part.
I feel more hopeful and a lot less easily fatigued. As a result I’ve been able to restore better balance to daily living and maintain a greater sense of calm. I’ve also identified some personal and professional goals that are inspiring.